Rules of the project Mamba-Games

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Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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1. The main provisions of the Mamba-Games rules:
1.1 These rules apply to every category of persons who participate in the life of the project
1.2 When creating an account on the media space you agree to the rules of the server in full
1.3 Ignorance of the rules does not absolve you from responsibility
1.4 The project administration makes changes to the project at its discretion, regulating all types of directions
1.5 The project administration is not responsible for critical errors or player lags. 95% of such requests are the fault of the PC user. In any case, you can contact the technical section for help.
1.6 Hierarchy of the Mamba-Games project:
1.6.1 Administrators:
Mr.Marshal - Owner and General Manager
MasterLamaster - Vice General Manager
HRVS - Game Designer/Project Administrator

1.6.2 Game Masters:
Benefactor - Game Master
EmLudey - Junior Game Master

1.6.3 Working with the community
Shen Bachman - RU Community Manager
rikisan (raka.ft) - Indonesia Community Manager

1.6.4. Moderators:
iamonegod - Head of support/PR manager
QweeQ - Manager of streamers The moderators are not representatives of the project administration and do not have the right to speak on behalf of the project The moderator staff has the right to conduct transactions as a guarantor The moderator staff can log into the accounts of the grade: GM to help the administrator conduct events.
These GM accounts do not allow you to enter almost any commands, except for the commands provided for event management.

1.6.5 Support Team

Yan | Gloory - Support Access to functions:
-Processing requests in Discord
-Control and moderation of Mamba-Games game space chats (Discord/Forum)
-Control Of the Game World Support representatives are not representatives of the administration and do not have the right to speak on behalf of the project

1.7 The account owner is responsible for the actions committed on the account, even if the brother, mother, etc. did the actions on this account.
1.8 All Accounts and personal data are the property of the Mamba-Games project
1.9 The entire infrastructure, the game world, and user data belong to the project
1.10 A list of sanctions that can be applied to a player depending on the violation for which the perpetrator is responsible
-Chat ban
-Account ban
-Deleting a character
-Removing the item(s)
-Access restriction
-Ban by IP or subnet
-Transfer of game values to other persons
-Changing the parameters of the character, account, and game currencies
-Changing the item(s)

1.11 The project administration has the right not to respond to user requests that already have an answer or are absurd. Also, questions of assumption and information that is not supported by evidence are suitable for this item. The project administration does not consider requests without specifics and (or) evidence of a particular problem.
1.12 The project administration has the right to apply any sanctions to a player who violated the provisions of these project rules, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation
1.13 All funds transferred to an individual account are not a commercial component, all transfers are considered a voluntary donation for the development of the project
1.14 All developments, logos, visual, modifications, design, technical equipment are the intellectual property of the Mamba-Games project and are prosecuted in case of plagiarism and illegal copying
1.15 All developments in the field of scripting, modeling, icons are subjected to the encryption method to protect the intellectual property of the project and have a unique identifier key, in case of hacking and use on third-party resources, the project administration has the right to influence any legal methods
1.16 paragraph expired from 15/07/24
1.16.paragraph expired from 15/07/24
1.17 All rights to the localization of the Rising Force Online game belong to its legal representatives, CCR Inc., we are a fan emulator without a commercial component

2. Interaction with the Administration and the rights of the Administration of the Mamba-Games project

2.1 The administration of the Mamba-Games project is responsible only through working communication channels. It is strictly forbidden to use personal communication channels if the owner of the communication channel has not given his permission for this action.
2.2 The project administration does not go to other information resources to deal with the questions of Mamba-Games players, all issues are resolved at the target sites of our project, this is the game world, the game forum, the Discord server.
2.2.1 The administration reserves the right to leave an independent opinion on the activities of the project in other channels
2.3 Disrespectful attitude towards representatives of the administration is prohibited:
2.3.1 Poke at the administrators
2.3.2 Make requests in the style of "accusations"
2.3.3 Talking in dirty words and redneck languages
2.3.4 In case of insubordination to the administration in accordance with paragraphs 2.3.1., 2.3.2., 2.3.3. the administration has the right to limit the user's ability to send messages to the administration on the project sites, game worlds of the project and personal messages
2.4 it is forbidden to destabilize work against a project on which you are a player:
2.4.1 Misleading players about the activities of the project and its team
2.4.2 An open call to leave the project
2.4.3 An indirect call to leave the project
2.5 It is strictly forbidden to impersonate a representative of the administration
2.6 It is forbidden to discuss and wrangle with regard to the sanctions imposed by the project administration, there is arbitration, ask questions there
2.7 It is forbidden to use abbreviations, game nicknames similar to belonging to the administration or similar nicknames of administration representatives
2.8 Any insults against administration representatives are prohibited
2.9 The administration guarantees the security of players' personal data on the server PC, the cybersecurity of databases
2.10 The project administration is not responsible for hacking and theft of the user's account, because the safety of the account is the responsibility of the account owner
2.11 The project administration is not obliged to provide analytical and statistical information to the players. This kind of information is confidential and is the intellectual property of the Mamba-Games project
2.12 The project administration is not obliged to provide the user with evidence of its decisions regarding the sanctions applied
2.13 The project administration is not responsible for the purchase and sale conducted by the players
2.14 The project administration does not bear any responsibility for user statements regarding the activities of other projects of the Rising Force Online game emulators and the official Rising Force Online localizer in Russia and the CIS countries
2.15 The project administration has the right to cooperate with law enforcement agencies upon the user's violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and is not responsible for the user's actions violating the laws of the Russian Federation, while the administration has the right to take measures to prevent illegal actions of the user
2.16 The project administration has the right to terminate the media personality's access to the media space in the case of:
2.16.1 Direct insult to the project administration
2.16.2 Defamation of the project
2.16.3 Violation of the provisions of the project rules
2.17 The project administration does not perform any actions on loan until a certain date, only the actual action at the moment.

3. Rights and obligations of users

3.1 By accepting the user agreement, you agree to the rules of the server and obey them
3.2 You are fully responsible for your behavior on the project's target sites, as well as when conducting live broadcasts on the media resources of the Mamba-Games media space
3.3 "Love-making" towards relatives, wives, husbands is prohibited, and strict sanctions are provided for this
3.4 You are fully responsible according to the legislation of the Russian Federation for the propaganda of violence, terrorist activities, drugs and other things that are illegal on the territory of the Russian Federation

3.5 A user from another country is also liable under the laws of the Russian Federation if he has violated the law listed in clause 3.4.
3.6 The user has the right to revoke his right to use his personal data with the further deletion of his account, for this it is necessary to submit an application to the project administration
3.7 The owner of the game account is fully responsible for the personal security of the game account in accordance with clause 2.10.
3.8 The owner of the game account is fully responsible if the account login data was used earlier on other projects
3.9 The user has the right to freedom of speech within the permissible limits, personal opinions are not sanctioned if they do not violate the rules of the project
3.10 The user has the right to contact the relevant sections for assistance, support, services, information
3.11 A user using premium server services does this on a voluntary basis in the format of a voluntary donation for the development of the project
3.12 A user who is the leader of the guild (or another deputy leader) cannot use the resources issued to maintain the guild, assign or sell Cash Shop currency to other players or commit fraud to launder Cash currency, in the presence of such incidents, the Shop is subject to withdrawal, this paragraph is supported by the provision of paragraph 1.6. of the project rules, which implies account control by the project administration

4. Gameplay, software
4.1 It is forbidden to use programs that allow you to gain an advantage over other players. Such programs imply modifying or canceling client files, facilitating the gameplay by non-gaming measures
4.2 The use of software emulators (bots) is prohibited
4.3 Unauthorized access to another user's account is prohibited, unless the user himself has given permission to do so. In this case, the owner is fully responsible for the account in accordance with clause 1.6.
4.4 It is forbidden to ask the administration to artificially influence the gameplay, such requests will always be rejected
4.5 It is forbidden to use bugs and errors of the game to gain an unfair advantage over the players
4.6 Any advertising of other projects, online games, gaming services, organizations providing various types of services is prohibited
4.7 It is forbidden to exit the game during the battle
4.8 It is forbidden to be in a HQ of a different race, unless this is provided for by an event on the server
4.9 It is prohibited to use game errors to gain an advantage, with an aggravating condition if the error is not reported to representatives of the project administration
4.10 According to paragraphs 4.5 and 4.9 of these rules, a violation that directly affects the economic stability of the game world is subject to the most severe punishment out of all 1.10 rules in the project.
4.11 It is prohibited to abuse mechanics for personal monetization, including the sale of items in the game and outside the game on third-party resources, the sale of information about the abuse or the sale of the result of the abuse - sanctions from clause 1.10 of the project rules apply

5. Game communication
5.1. We do not conduct strict moderation of abusive expressions, because we position ourselves as an 18+ server, but at the same time the rules of conduct from clauses 3.3., 3.4., and 3.5. must be strictly observed
5.2. If the applicant for the violation was a provocateur of the conflict, he will also receive punishment on an equal basis with the guilty person
5.3. When creating a character, it is forbidden to give a name whose content uses the following terminology, phrases: GM/Admin/ Admin/Administrator/GM and other analog nicknames.
5.4. When creating a character, it is prohibited to use offensive nicknames or nicknames that violate the laws of the Russian Federation
5.5. It is forbidden to impersonate a representative of the administration
5.6. Public communication with representatives of the administration should be carried out in Russian/In English
5.7. It is prohibited to use the user's personal information in the media space of the Mamba-Games project without his consent
5.8. It is forbidden to impersonate another person and use social engineering to deceive users or other fraudulent actions - the measures from clause 1.10 are applied.
5.9. Media personalities have the right to the uniqueness of their game nickname. In case of plagiarism or tampering that misleads the project players regarding the media personality's game, the media personality has the right to apply for a change of nickname for the plagiarist.
5.10. It is prohibited to use the banwords of Twitch streaming platforms in an interracial trading chat, and sanctions are provided for violations of this paragraph in accordance with paragraph 1.10 of the draft rules.

6. Trading between players (RMT)

6.1. All trading operations between players are the responsibility of the seller and the buyer
6.2. All transactions conducted without a guarantor in the person of the project administration do not fall under the transaction protection rule
6.3. In case of theft, deception, fraud, the parties to the transaction bear full responsibility on their own
6.4. The project Administration is not responsible for the acts provided for in clause 6.3.
6.5. The participants of the transaction have the right to use the services of a guarantor represented by a representative of the administration of the Mamba-Games project and are entitled to compensation for losses in case of unfair behavior by one of the parties
6.6. When making transactions with third-party guarantors, the administration of the Mamba-Games project is not responsible for the consequences of violations in the aftermath of the transaction.
6.7. The rules for the provision of the Guarantor's services are fixed by additional rules in the "Trade" section of the forum .
6.8. The project administration has the right to identify verified merchants by verification to determine the reliability of the seller and the right to refuse to provide verification to any user without explanation
6.9. The administration of the Mamba-Games project, in the case of regulating the issue regarding the subject, does not have the right to create a new object out of thin air. The subject of the dispute is a physical object involved in the dispute, drawing is prohibited
6.10. It is prohibited to sell an account to a representative of a race (Patriarch, Archon, Attack team, Defense team, Support team) for the races of Acretia, Cora, Bellato.
6.11. In case of detection of the sale of an Archon of the race, the violator's account is subject to a ban for N hours and removal from the post of an Archon of the race.
6.12. paragraph expired from 15/07/24
6.12.1. paragraph expired from 15/07/24
6.13 Using a trading megaphone (/megaphone):
6.13.1. The interracial trading megaphone is intended to indicate trade offers
6.13.2. Megaphone moderating from administration only p.2.4, p.2.8, p.3.3
6.14. The project administration does not assist in transactions involving guarantors of third-party sites or resources. Also, transactions conducted by third-party platforms are not subject to transaction protection and analysis of individual incidents. Clause 6.3 works in full.

7. Using the media space
7.1. It is prohibited to publish 18+ content using obscene language, pornography, propaganda of violence, drugs and other things that contradict the laws of the Russian Federation
7.2. It is prohibited to name topics with a direct sale of the account. It is allowed to use "Sell ACC", etc.
7.3. It is prohibited to openly sell Cash currency by creating topics on an information resource.
7.4. It is allowed to open a topic with the purchase / sale of game values / accounts no more than 2 times in one day, in case of violation of this rule, the topic is deleted, and the guilty person receives a Chat ban on the forum for 24 hours

8. The user's gaming account
8.1. Based on clauses 2.9 and 2.10, the Administration regulates its behavior in accordance with these paragraphs
8.2. Using the personal email address to which you register your profile or account, in the future, only through it you will be able to recover passwords. Otherwise, you risk losing everything without the possibility of recovery.
8.3. It is strongly discouraged to reuse usernames and passwords from other projects.
You risk losing access to your account.
8.4. The User is fully responsible for transferring his account to third parties, the administration will not disassemble anything for free, all cases of hacking and theft are resolved through proceedings.
8.5. The project administration has the right to grant the right to change the code word. For this, you need to contact the administration with proof
8.6. The project administration is not responsible if the user who used the username and password earlier on other projects was hacked. Such accounts cannot be restored.
8.7. The player may be refused to consider a hacking case if the player did not have two-factor authorization enabled in the personal account of the game
8.8. Accounts that are the subject of a dispute between users as a result of the purchase/sale of the subject of the proceedings, by the decision of the project administration, may be temporarily blocked and access to the subject of the dispute removed for both parties, the options from clause 1.10 of these rules apply
8.9. Accounts suspected of violating the rules of the project may, by decision of the project administration, be blocked with a note "pending clarification" in order to establish the circumstances that served as a temporary block and subsequently make a final decision on the subject of the proceedings
8.10. The Administration, based on the arguments received by the parties, using official information to obtain materials for investigating disputed accounts, may block or withdraw the subject of the dispute, including the account, for a period determined by the administration from the minimum to permanent

9. Transfer of game values
9.1. The transfer of game values is carried out by purchasing a transfer item in the game world. The process is fully automated.
9.2. It is prohibited in any form to substitute an object, change the properties of an object
9.3. It is prohibited to change or replace the talic in the item
9.4. The transfer of game values is carried out only in an analog way.
9.5. The transfer of a game character is prohibited if the character participates in the election of the race leader
9.6. The transfer of game values within a race with an equipment is carried out according to the rules of full character transfer and has a value equivalent to a full transfer.
9.7. The transfer of a character physically to another race is possible only by race change coupons in the game store for Cash Shop or for GP in the Personal Account
9.8. In case of a desire to transfer a player who is an Archon of the race (except for the position of Patriarch), the administrator manually removes the player from the position without replacing or placing another player in his place, however, if the player wishing to carry out the transfer is an Archon team on the right side, the decision to remove is made only by the Patriarch of the race (in case of situations according to clause 10.1, 10.2., 10.8 - the clause on withdrawal by the patriarch may be abolished)
9.9. It is prohibited in any form to transfer a player to another race who is the Patriarch of the race, and is supported by clause 9.5., since the Patriarch participates automatically in the election of the patriarch.
9.10. The project does not provide services for the purchase of equipment and other reinforcement facilities through a representative of the administration. Any such request will be automatically rejected.
9.11. There is no separate transfer of equipment parts for any characters, everything goes only in the complex as part of the transition coupon - such requests will be automatically refused
9.12. There is a separate transfer of the "alt with resources" character at the price of an equivalent race change of the bank slot equal to the number of 100 cells with a discount of 15%

10. The hierarchy and politics within the game world
10.1. The Patriarch has the right to relinquish power in favor of the right or left archon (at the discretion of the patriarch) - if restarts of the game world are provided during this period. All right-wing archons appointed by the patriarch are removed.
10.2. The patriarch of the race may be removed from office by a referendum of the players of the race, to the administration with evidence that his presence at the board of the race causes deliberate actions to destabilize the server, information is provided and a decision is made individually for each such case
10.3. An Archon of the race on the left side may resign his position to another person within 11 hours (i.e. from 0:00 to 11:00) on the first day (works only on Monday)
10.4. Those wishing to carry out the transfer, if they stand on the right side, must get the race leader to manually remove them from office, in the case of an archon of the race on the left side, they can be done through the administration - replacement is not put in an empty place.
10.5. If representatives of races, by their actions, beliefs, pressure on the administrator, try to influence the hierarchy of the left lamps of a particular race, a categorical refusal will be indicated, without the right to appeal the decision.
10.6. The Patriarch, who was appointed as a result of the action under 10.1. has the right to appoint 4 right-wing officers through the administrator. Except for the case specified in clause 10.1.
10.7. The left archons can be reassigned in individual cases only if there is a proven fact that a person has not played for more than 3 days and is a representative of the race. Such an assessment is possible only with upcoming server logs, then such applications are not accepted.
10.8. In case the patriarch voluntarily removes his character. The administrator has the right to remove the deleted character and put another candidate at his discretion. The new patriarch has the right to reassign the right archons/rearrange the right archons, however, this is done within the framework of the appointment and no repeated changes are made
10.9. According to the procedures of paragraphs 10.3 and 10.7 of the draft rules, it is prohibited to rearrange representatives of races from the right and left sides, only the player who is not a representative of the race at the time of the elections and officers appointed to the position.
10.10. According to the regulations under paragraphs 10.3, 10.7 and 10.9 - the project administration decides on the nomination of a new officer, and may use the recommendation of the patriarch of the race in which the officer is changed on the left side.
10.11. Officers on the left side are removed only after the end of Monday, the removal of officers on the left side is regulated by paragraphs 10.3, 10.7 and 10.9.

11. Voluntary donations
11.1. Voluntary donations and charitable activities on the Mamba-Games project are regulated by the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Volunteerism (Volunteering) dated 08/11/1995 No.135-FZ
11.2. Voluntary donations are not a fact of purchase / sale of services, the player himself voluntarily decides to support the project, and the administration encourages this act in the form of accrual of game values, game currency as gratitude

11.3. Players can receive additional visual items from the project team on the x50 server from the deposit thresholds:
11.3.1. One-handed sword of the patron - 10k GP
11.3.2. Patron's Shield - 30k GP
11.3.3. Patron's Leviator - 100k GP
11.3.4. Patron's Armor - 250k GP
11.3.5. These visual components can only be on the account that received these awards, the issuance to third parties is prohibited
11.4. Players can receive additional visual items from the project team on the x4 server from the deposit thresholds:
11.4.1. One-handed sword of the patron - 35k GP
11.4.2. Patron's Shield - 65k GP
11.4.3. Patron's Leviator - 150k GP
11.4.4. Patron's Armor - 500k GP
11.4.5. These visual components can only be on the account that received these awards, the issuance to third parties is prohibited

12. Force majeure circumstances and explanations
12.1. The Mamba-Games project is not a service provider, and the end user is not a recipient of the services.
12.2. In case of connection failures, the project administration is not obliged to pay any compensation
12.3. Receiving voluntary donations from a player does not make him a recipient of services, therefore he does not have the right to demand provision of services in accordance with clause 11.1.

13. Add-ons

13.1. The rules of the Mamba-Games project can be changed or supplemented by the project administration at any time.
13.2. It is prohibited to use the project rules on other resources without specifying the original where the information was taken from
13.3. Our resource establishes a categorical ban on discussing politics in any form, as well as special military operation in the game world and game resources.

Mamba-Games 2022-2024 ©
Version dated July 15, 2024
Last edited by a moderator:


Owner and General Manager
Staff member
General Manager
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Version from 07/05/24

6.13. were changed about megaphone

6.13 Using a trading megaphone (/megaphone):
6.13.1. The interracial trading megaphone is intended to indicate trade offers
6.13.2. Megaphone moderating from administration only p.2.4, p.2.8, p.3.3


Vice-General Manager
Staff member
Sep 6, 2022
Reaction score
Version dated 06/07/2024
Updated positions and current composition of the project team
EmLudey to become a Junior Game Master


Owner and General Manager
Staff member
General Manager
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Version dated 15 July 2024
Paragraphs 1.16 and 6.12. including sub-paragraphs are no longer
Updated positions and current composition of the project team
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