Unified guide Rozalia x50

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Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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Кнопка навигации eng.png

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Кнопка задания синяя eng.png Кнопка мамба валюта синяя eng.png Кнопка ПБ синяя eng.png Кнопка расписание синяя eng.png Кнопка Лампы синяя eng.png
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Кнопка голодные игры eng.png Кнопка бв синяя eng.png Кнопка кешшоп синяя eng.png
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Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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Кнопка оружие eng.png

Weapon type​
Common information​
Weapon Type-А
  • In a drop with a small chance of most monsters
  • Purchase from a Dealer at the General Staff
  • оружие тип-а egn.png
Weapon Type-B
  • Can be obtained from level quests up to level 35
  • Can be dropped out of the most of the mobs with low chance
  • Can be dropped out of the common PBs
  • Level 45 and 50 intense can be dropped out of the master and large master boxes
  • Crafting via maketool
Weapon Type-C
  • Level 40 Type-C weapon can be obtained from level 40 quest
  • Can be dropped out of common PBs
  • Can be dropped out of dungeons
  • Can be dropped from elan mobs with very low chance
  • 50(50) Type-C weapon can be crafted with low chance using Maketool
  • Оружие Тип-С.png
    image 67.png

Elan weapon​
  • Can be dropped out of Elan PBs, and DDD brothers
  • Every elan weapon has built-in magic spell, chance of proc is ~5%
  • The “Draining” magic spell is replaced with “Gravity net” (Can’t be triggered on mobs)
  • All self buffs built-in elan weapons are replaced with better ones
  • Upgrading an elan weapon makes it lose one talic
  • элан оружие енг.png
  • Group 97.png
  • Group 99.png
  • Group 100.png

  • Available from level 55
  • When the level upgade, 1 talika is removed
  • 2023-03-30_13-13-27.png
  • 2023-03-31_16-38-59.png
  • Оружие ПВП.png
  • пвп оружие енг.png

Leon weapon​
  • Can be dropped out of Thor and Izen Cracker
  • When the level upgade, 1 talika is removed
  • Leon, you can make it back to Green ( 50LV - 99 Restoration Talic, 55LV 2х99 Restoration Talic )
  • Leon, you can not improve the level, so that you can improve the level, the weapon needs to be greened back.
  • The creation of 50 Leon weapons is possible through production with an extremely small chance
  • 2024-02-07_14-42-21 1.png
  • Рисунок3.png
  • Оружие Леона свойства.png
  • грейд леона eng.png

Назад к навигации синея.png
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Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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Кнопка броня eng.png

Armor type​
Common information​
Тип-В броня.png

Armor Type-B​
  • Can be obtained from level quests up to level 27
  • - ACC Quest starts at Aide in HQ (exit to the ship), for taking this quest you need “Escapee’s belonging” which is dropped out of DesertedSoldier Liand, Liand is in Armory 117
    - Cora quest starts at Inspector at HQ outpost (Bellato’s plot)
    - Bellato quest starts at Inspector at HQ outpost (Cora’s plot)
  • Can be bought from HQ NPC up to level 41
  • Can be dropped out of PBs level 43-55
  • Can be crafted via maketool

Armor Type-C​
  • Can be dropped out of common PBs
  • 50(50) Type-C armor can be crafted with low chance using Maketool
  • Option change is available via special coupon. It can be bought from CashShop or Race Manager for 50kk
  • крафт тип с брони.png

Armor Type-SP​
  • Can be safely upgraded with CT ( 1 try = 15 CT )
  • наемники.png
  • смена свойств тип-с.png

  • Can be dropped out of bosses: DDD brother, Izen, Thor
  • Level 50 P.A.L.M.A.S. armor can be crafted via maketool with extremely low chance
  • Can be safely upgraded with CT ( 1 try = 15 CT, Works for 7 slots)
  • Палмас крафт.png
  • Крафт ресурсы.png
  • улучшение палмас.png
  • палмас сет.png

Archon set​
  • Level 50 armor can be bought from Hero in HQ
  • улучшение арх сета.png
  • арх сет.png

Shields Type-C/SP​
  • 50(50) Type-C armor can be crafted with low chance using Maketool
  • Can be obtained from NPC Dark Ambassador by exchanging for CT + Favor talic
  • крафт щитов.png
  • смена свойств щитов.png

Назад к навигации красная.png
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Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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Кнопка бижутерия eng.png

Jewelry Type​
Ways of obtaining​
Common information​

Elemental jewelry​
  • Сan be dropped out of common PBs
  • Can be dropped out of caliana’s with higher chance
  • Master’s large gift
  • In the drop from monsters on Elan
  • Small and Elite box of might
  • jewelry stats are equalized for all races
  • After successful upgrade a jewel with one stat it gains secondary valuable stat
    (+1 skill level is also a secondary stat along with attack, consider this)
  • Сan't be destroyed while upgrading
  • смена бижутерии.png

Monster jewelry​
  • Ready-made jewelry cannot be knocked out in the game
  • драг бижутерия.png
  • осколки эгиды eng.png

P.A.L.M.A.S. jewelry​
  • Can be dropped from Citadel dungeon
  • Special options are separate from P.A.L.M.A.S. armor bonuses.
  • 32% attack for all types of jewelry
  • ACC ring increases accuracy instead of attack delay of launcher

Hora Dark Hall jewelry​
  • Can be dropped out of BloodAxe and Infernal Dragon
  • Can be obtained after completing Hora dark hall (Big citadel)
  • From lucky cube with 0,5% chance
  • Stormknife claws x2 / Memories rings x2 set has bonus -7% debuff time
  • Jewelry stats are equalized for all races

DDD jewelry​
  • Can be dropped out of DDD brothers
  • Dagans ring, Dagnus ring and Dagnus leash can be combined into BlackBlood brothers leash with 100kk
  • BlackBlood brothers leash can be disassembled back

Adventurers jewelry​
  • Can be obtained from talic collector for x2 favor talic
  • Can be bought from CashShop
  • Is a part of beginners pack
  • 12% attack / 6% HP for 72h

Назад к навигации синея.png
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Vice-General Manager
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Кнопка антигравы eng.png

Types of boostersCommon information

  • 22% decrease of receiving critical attack
  • Антик 40.png

  • 28% decrease of receiving critical attack
  • Антик 50.png
Спрайт бустерного антиграва.png

LV50 boostered leviators​
  • 22% decrease of receiving critical attack
  • Rank 0 can be bought from PvP vendor
  • Антик 50 бустерный.png
  • бустеры.png

LV35 Premium booster​
  • 25% decrease of receiving critical attack
  • Can be bought in CashShop
  • 2024-03-31_18-44-53.png

Type-C boostered leviator with special option​
  • [*]Can be dropped out of PBs,
    Can be exchanged for Rare Ore x99 x3
    Can be dropped out of Production Faction
  • Антик Тип-С.png
  • тип с антик.png
  • Применение Тип-С.png
  • готовые свойства тип-с антика.png

Назад к навигации красная.png
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Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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Кнопка ресурсы eng.png

ResourcesWays to get\use

Rare ore​
  • Can be dropped out of any mob
  • Can be dropped out of PB in crag mines
  • Редка руда.png
  • переработка коробок.png

P.A.L.M.A.S armor resources​
  • 2024-03-31_23-19-47.png
  • 2024-03-31_23-21-32.png
  • Крафт ресурсы.png

Ore +1, +2​
  • Can be dropped out of Lazhuardian warriors and Spell Lazhuardian (Character level does not affect the drop chance)
  • Can be mined after won CW
  • Processing cost for +1 x99 - 150.000
  • Processing cost for +2 x99 - 300.000
  • 2023-03-30_21-57-25.png
  • 2023-03-30_22-00-56.png

Ore +3​
  • Can be mined after won CW
  • Processing cost for +3 x99 - 1.200.000
  • Special server quest to kill small keeper
  • Ore can be stacked into boxes, up to 5 stacks per combination
  • 15 stacks of +3 ore can be exchanged on special ore-dungeon with raised reward
  • 2023-03-30_21-54-43.png

Ore +4​
  • Can be mined at home locations by guild leader if the guild holds the zone
  • Processing cost for +3 x99 - 1.900.000
  • 2023-03-31_15-38-24.png

Red/Blue stones​
  • Can be obtained from processing +1,+2 and +3 ore
  • переработка алых камней.png

  • Can be dropped out of PBs - Elan, DDD, Inferno Dragon, BloodAxe
  • Halostone pieces and piece boxes can be dropped out of Sette desert TP guardians. 1 box drops from 1 to 11 halostone pieces or CT
  • Can be dropped after processing ore +3
  • Exchange of Transparent Halostone Piece for Linguistic Halostone at a ratio of 5 to 1

Herodian genetic information chip​
  • Can be dropped out of PBs - Elan, DDD, Inferno Dragon, BloodAxe
  • Can be dropped out of mobs at Outcast Lands - CremleSnatcherScout, CremleSnatcherArcher
  • переработка глю в осколок.png

Crystal Talic​
  • Can be dropped after processing ore +1, +2, +3
  • Can be exchanged on x20 any talic
  • Can be dropped out of common PBs
  • Can be dropped out of faction reward
img_9 5.png

Race currency​
  • Level quests 1-60
  • Completing repetitive or other server quests
  • Character level does not affect the drop rate farming any mobs: Calianas, ABAs, ether robots, sette guards, all cremuls in outcast

  • Can be dropped after processing ore +1, +2, +3
  • Exchange talic's essence on the talic boxes
  • Ore quest

Piece of uncharged artifact of might​
  • Could received from Runaway pit-bosses in Sette Desert
  • Комба2.png
    Amount of destroyed materials if will fail:If with combo use 5 pcs small box of might - 3 itemsIf with combo use 3 pcs expert box of might - 2 items
    If with combo use 1 pcs elite box of might - 1 item
    Which item could be use with combo also:
    - 30 pcs boxes with 99 pcs Gli, butchers belts, Gli. Beam, Rean, Rare Ore
    - 30 pcs boxes with 99 pcs wasteore itemmake items (titallan, cotario etc)
    - 30 pcs T4 envelopes
    - 30 runes of destruction\save\defense\vampire
    - 30 pcs boxes with parts of Leon weapon (1-4 parts)
    - Perfect elemental jewerly
  • Комба1.png
    Amount of destroyed materials if will fail:If with combo use 5 pcs small box of might - 3 itemsIf with combo use 3 pcs expert box of might - 2 items
    If with combo use 1 pcs elite box of might - 1 item
    Which item could be use with combo also:
    - 15 crystal talics\boosterts for leaviators\parts of type-c leviator ability
    - 15 boxes of combat faction\rerource faction\production faction
    - 15 stacks of cubes with type-c abilities pieces
    - 15 boxes with 99 pcs excelsiar\boxes with +3 ore (any color)
    - 15 potions of avoid\accuracy\HP\defense\teleport potion (with event calls in name)
    - 15 boxes with 9 pcs blue or red stones
    - Ancient jewerly\P.A.L.M.A.S. jewerly

Uncharged artifact of might​
  • For claiming Uncharged Artifact of Might must have 99 pcs of pieces of uncharged artifact of might
  • 2023-09-15_19-17-31.png
  • 2023-09-15_19-45-06.png
    [1х Uncharged Artifact of Might]+[5х boxes with 99 talics (could be use Ignorance, Favor, Darkness, Wisdom, Grace, Mercy]+[Any part of 50LV P.A.L.M.A.S. armour]+[2х Envelope T5] + [5 х Shining halostone ]or[1х Uncharged artifact of Might]+[5х boxes with 99 talics (could be use Ignorance, Favor, Darkness, Wisdom, Grace, Mercy]+[Any parts of 50LV P.A.L.M.A.S. armour]+[1х Envelope T6] + [5 х Shining Halostone] Envelope Т5 and Т6 could use standart or event. For Artifact of Ignorance Might must use 50 a

Certificate of Might​
  • It is obtained by opening Boxes of Might
  • Weapon Type-С\Type-N\Type-B\Elan weapon\PvP(from 60 to 70 at once - you need 2 certificates)\Leon
    Shield Type-SP\C, Type-N\Type-В
    Armor Type-N\Type-В\Type-С\P.A.L.M.A.S.\Type-SP\Empire-visor

Назад к навигации синея eng.png


Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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Кнопка квесты eng.png

General information​

  • The pergament can be bought from battle dungeon vendor or from CashShop
  • The quest is taken from battle dungeon vendor NPC
  • Then use “Conversation” with the same NPC
  • You get 1 random quest out of 4
  • There are 8 different quests, you can take only 1 from NPC and 1 from CashShop at once
  • The quest cooldown is 6h
  • 40-45 квесты.png

  • The pergament can be bought from battle dungeon vendor or from CashShop
  • The quest is taken from battle dungeon vendor NPC
  • Then use “Conversation” with the same NPC
  • You get 1 random quest out of 4
  • There are 8 different quests, you can take only 1 from NPC and 1 from CashShop at once
  • The quest cooldown is 7h
  • 46-50 квесты.png

  • The pergament can be bought from battle dungeon vendor or from CashShop
  • The quest is taken from battle dungeon vendor NPC
  • Then use “Conversation” with the same NPC
  • You get 1 random quest out of 4
  • There are 8 different quests, you can take only 1 from NPC and 1 from CashShop at once
  • The quest cooldown is 10h
  • 51-55квесты.png

  • The pergament can be bought from battle dungeon vendor or from CashShop
  • The quest is taken from battle dungeon vendor NPC
  • Then use “Conversation” with the same NPC
  • You get 1 random quest out of 4
  • There are 8 different quests, you can take only 1 from NPC and 1 from CashShop at once
  • The quest cooldown is 10h
  • 56-58квесты.png

  • The pergament can be bought from battle dungeon vendor or from CashShop
  • The quest is taken from battle dungeon vendor NPC
  • Then use “Conversation” with the same NPC
  • You get 1 random quest out of 4
  • There are 8 different quests, you can take only 1 from NPC and 1 from CashShop at once
  • The quest cooldown is 10h
  • 60-64квесты.png

LV35-50 Chuty on Ether​
  • Can be taken from Ticket controller on Ether
  • The quest can be completed with party
  • The quest has no cooldown, you can take it again once you’ve completed it
  • 2024-07-24_20-30-53.png

LV46-56 babas in Volcano​
  • Can be taken from Feroid in Sette Desert
  • The quest can be completed with party
  • The quest has no cooldown, you can take it again once you’ve completed it
  • 2024-07-24_21-01-50.png

LV51-60 Sandri in Outcast Lands​
  • The quest can be completed with party
  • The quest has no cooldown, you can take it again once you’ve completed it
  • Contains two quests
  • 2024-07-24_21-04-13.png
  • 2024-07-24_21-05-19.png
image 22.png

Secret Quest​
  • You can get it from an Usher (At the General Staff of your race)
  • Quest rollback 24 hours of game time
  • 2024-07-24_21-19-18.png

Random big citadel quest box​
  • The Task Activation Scroll can be obtained by completing the Heroic\Epic quest, DNA\RNA quests
  • From the task box, you will receive a random task activator, which is activated by the Dragon Knight
  • Quests are available to take from level 50 of the character
  • The quest can be changed from the hero for 5,000,000 of racial currency (any other one can randomly fall out)
  • There are a total of 12 different tasks at the locations
  • Rollback of the opportunity to take the same task after completion - 5 minutes
  • БЦ квесты.png
  • You can also combine BC box pieces x4 with 1 any might key for small and 2 any keys for elite to get BC box and might box depending on the key used.
  • комбинация бц коробки.png

Random citadel quest box​
  • The Task Activation Scroll can be obtained by completing the Heroic\Epic quest, DNA\RNA quests
  • From the task box, you will receive a random task activator, which is activated by the Supplier
  • Quests are available to take from the 45th level of the character
  • The quest can be changed from the hero for 2,500,000 racial currency (any other one can randomly fall out)
  • There are a total of 12 different tasks at the locations
  • Rollback of the opportunity to take the same task after completion - 5 minutes
  • НЦ квесты.png
  • You can also combine citadel box pieces x4 with 1 any might key for small and 2 any keys for elite to get BC box and might box depending on the key use
  • комбинация нц коробки.png
image 22.png

DNA quest​
  • You can get it from the Quest Seller (Teleport Soul Sinder)
  • How to create a Target item is described in the quest itself
  • Quest CD is 12h
  • днк квесты.png
img_602 (1).png

r-RNA quests​
  • You can get it from Snatcher Merchant in the Sette Desert from level 50
  • The Activation Scroll can be obtained from the Mysterious Quest Seller's Box
  • How to create a target item is described in the quest itself, it can also be purchased from a Thornhead Merchant for 4,000 PvP
  • Quest CD is 6h
  • р-рнк квест.png

m-RNA quests​
  • You can get it from Crawler Merchant in the Sette Desert from level 50
  • The Activation Scroll can be obtained from the Mysterious Quest Seller's Box
  • How to create a target item is described in the quest itself, it can also be purchased from a Cult Merchant for 4,000 PvP
  • Quest CD is 6h
  • и-рнк квест.png
img_601 (1).png

t-RNA quests​
  • You can get it from Vaffer Merchant in the Sette Desert from level 50
  • The Activation Scroll can be obtained from the Mysterious Quest Seller's Box
  • How to create a target item is described in the quest itself, it can also be purchased from the Snakehead Merchant for 4,000 PvP
  • Quest CD is 6h
  • т-рнк квест.png

Resource quests

Premium account and premium activator required​

Name of the quest​
Осommon information​

  • Can be taken at LV51+
  • Can be done once per 1h
  • Can be taken from Battle Dungeon Vendor
  • 2024-01-12_15-53-03 1.png

T-stones envelopes​
  • Can be taken at LV51
  • Can be done once per 30 min
  • Can be taken from Mamba-merchant[Teleports]
  • This quest is solo
  • 2024-01-12_15-57-59 1.png

  • Can be taken at LV50
  • Can be done once per 30 min
  • Can be taken from Mamba-merchant[Bullet]
  • Can be done with party
  • 2024-01-12_15-58-46 1.png

Transparent and sparkling halostone pieces​
  • Can be taken at LV51+
  • You can take a quest from a Supply Dealer
  • It can be performed as part of a group
  • The quest is looped, after completion, you can immediately complete it again
  • Withdrawing the quest makes it cooldown 24h
  • 2024-01-12_16-05-35 1.png

Heroic quest​
  • Can be taken at LV51+
  • Can be taken immediately after completing
  • Can be taken from NPC Hero
  • A series of 8 tasks
  • Withdrawing the quest makes it cooldown 2h
  • 2024-08-10_16-30-51.png

Epic quest​
  • Can be taken at LV60
  • Can be taken immediately after completing
  • Can be taken from NPC Hero
  • Withdrawing the quest makes it cooldown 2h
  • 2024-08-10_16-30-57.png

Quest for a box of weapons​
  • You can get it from the GuildManager (General Staff of the Race)
  • The quest can be completed 1 time
  • Reward - A box of random weapons 45(50)
  • The Bellato Race:
    Task 1 - Talk to the NPC [Normal Armor]
    Task 2 - start by looking around at the NPC "Vaffer Merchant" and look around at the NPC "Crawler Merchant", then talk to the GuildManager- there will be only 10 minutes to complete this task
    Task 3 - Talk to the NPC [Armor Merchant]
    Task 4 - Kill 5 Master Defenders
    5 task - To kill the [PB]Blood Crawler Rex, look around at the NPC [Packed Things] in the Solus Fortification - you will receive a [Flask of Cartels] as a reward
    Task 6 - Hand over the Cartela Flask to the GuildManager
    The Accretia Race:
    Task 1 - Talk to the Blacksmith
    Task 2 - start by looking around at the NPC "Vaffer Merchant" and look around at the NPC "Crawler Merchant", then talk to the GuildManager- there will be only 10 minutes to complete this task
    Task 3 - Talk to the Charger
    Task 4 - Kill 5 guards of FierceSnatcherRex
    5 task - Kill [PB] Furious Thornhead, look around at the NPCs [Packed Things] in Outpost 213 - you will receive a [Flask of Cartels] as a reward
    Task 6 - Hand over the Cartela Flask to the GuildManager
    The Alliance Race:
    Task 1 - Talk to the NPC [Waepon]
    Task 2 - First look around at the NPC "Vaffer Merchant" and look around at the Crawler Merchant NPC, then talk to the GuildManager- there will be only 10 minutes to complete this task
    Task 3 - Talk to the NPC [Waepon]
    Task 4 - Kill 5 Defenders of the Snake King
    5 task - Kill [PB] BloodViperRex, look around at the NPCs [Packed Things] in the Haram Colony - you will receive a [Flask of Cartels] as a reward
    Task 6 - Hand over the Cartela Flask to the GuildManager

Rare Quest​
  • You can take it from the Hero's level 50
  • Reward - Transparent Halostone Piece, Talic's Crystal, Blue Stone, Boxes of P.A.L.M.A.S. resources, Piece of herodian information chip
  • 2024-08-02_16-33-21.png

Назад к навигации синея.png
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Vice-General Manager
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Sep 6, 2022
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Кнопка mamba поинт eng.png

CashShop-предмет за Mamba-валюту.png

NPC with CashShop items for in-game currency​

These pigs in HQ sell items from the game shop for mamba-points, which are obtainable in-game.
  • Almost any potion and even more (Hissy, Neutralizing)
  • T5, T6, Socket extenders, Mining tools and batteries, keys of expert might
  • Abundance jade (exp), seed (PT), Class redefine capsule, different anti race buff potions
  • Ammo, TPs, Option changer box
Group 95.png

Group 96.png
Mamba-points are rarely dropped out of any mobs in game
You can get points for completing quests, killing PBs and through a combination of letters "MAMBA" + "GAMES"
Letters can be obtained from the daily Event at 21.00

Creating words:
мамба очки.png

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Vice-General Manager
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Кнопка пб eng.png

Ellipse 24.png
  • 4 types of runes (Defense, Destruction, Escape, Swift)
  • T3 envelopes
  • Master's Recycling box
  • Rare Ore
  • Training doping Drop for 5 minutes
Ellipse 25.png
  • 5 types of runes (Defense, Destruction, Escape, Swift, Convert)
  • Mamba-point
  • T3 envelopes
  • T4 envelopes
  • Training doping Drop for 5 minutes
  • Natural jewelry of the 0th rank
  • LV50 type-B armor
  • Box Rare Ore
Home PB​
Ellipse 26.png
  • Box Gli
  • Box Rare Ore
  • Talic Essence
  • Spontaneous jewelry of the 1st rank
  • Blue Stone
  • Mamba-point
  • Piece of herodian information chip
  • Shining Halostone Piece
  • Transparent Halostone Piece
  • Level 55 Reward Box
Caliana Princess​
Ellipse 27.png
  • Type-C leviator option pieces box
  • Booster Properties Boxes
  • Box Rare Ore
  • Spontaneous jewelry of the 1st rank
  • Blue Stone
  • Piece of herodian information chip
  • Shining Halostone Piece
  • Transparent Halostone Piece
  • Mamba-point
  • Level 55 Reward Box
Ellipse 28.png
  • Keys Big Citadel
  • Keys Small Citadel
  • Keys Ore-Dungeon
  • Box Beam\Rain 99 pieces
  • Talic Essence
  • Blue Stone
  • Mamba-point
  • Level 55 Reward Box
Ellipse 29.png
  • Keys Big Citadel
  • Keys Small Citadel
  • Keys Ore-Dungeon
  • Box Beam\Rain 99 pieces
  • Talic Essence
  • Blue Stone
  • Mamba-point
  • Level 55 Reward Box
Hora armored ghost​
Ellipse 30.png
  • Mamba-point
  • Gold Pig Statue
  • Silver Pig Statue
Golden pig​
Ellipse 31.png
  • The benefit
  • Box Gli
  • Box Beam
  • Box Rian
Sand stingbug​
Ellipse 32.png
  • Box ore +3
  • Box ore+2
  • Random talic box
  • Box Rare Ore
  • T5 envelope (event)
  • T6 envelope (event)
  • Mamba-points
Earth Quacker​
Ellipse 34.png
  • Level 55 Reward Box
  • Box Elan Weapon
  • Herodian chip
  • Shining Halostone Piece
  • Transparent Halostone Piece
  • Leon box
  • Spontaneous jewelry of the 2nd rank
  • Mamba-point
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
  • Modify Herodian Information Chip
  • Linguistic Halostone
Elan PB​
Ellipse 35.png
  • Jewelry DDD
  • Level 55 Reward Box
  • Herodian chip
  • Shining Halostone Piece
  • Transparent Halostone Piece
  • Leon box
  • Box Elan Weapon
  • Mamba-point
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
  • T5 envelope
  • Modify Herodian Information Chip
  • T6 envelope
  • Linguistic Halostone
DDD Brothers​
Ellipse 36.png
  • Shards of Aegis
  • Level 55 Reward Box
  • Jewelry Citadel
  • Boosters leviator
  • Keys Big Citadel
  • Keys Small Citadel
  • T6 envelope (event)
  • Mamba-point
  • Cartela's Jade
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
  • Modify Herodian Information Chip
  • Linguistic Halostone
Ellipse 37.png
  • Shards of Aegis
  • Level 55 Reward Box
  • Jewelry Citadel
  • Boosters leviator
  • Keys Big Citadel
  • Keys Small Citadel
  • T6 envelope (event)
  • Mamba-point
  • Cartela's Jade
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
  • Modify Herodian Information Chip
  • Linguistic Halostone
Inferno Dragon​
Ellipse 38.png
  • Leon box
  • P.A.L.M.A.S. Level 55 armor
  • P.A.L.M.A.S. Level 60 armor
  • Shield 60LV
  • Level 55 Reward Box
  • Shining Halostone Piece
  • Transparent Halostone Piece
  • Keys Big Citadel
  • Herodian chip
  • Mamba-point
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
Izen Cracker​
Ellipse 39.png
  • Leon box
  • Level 55 Reward Box
  • Leon's LV60 weapon
  • Shining Halostone Piece
  • Transparent Halostone Piece
  • Herodian chip
  • Keys Big Citadel
  • Mamba-point
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
Ellipse 40.png
  • T5 envelope (event)
  • T6 envelope (event)
  • Mamba-point
  • Training doping Drop for 5 minutes
Demon Curian​
Ellipse 33.png
  • Mamba-point
  • Shards of Aegis
  • Gold Pig Statue
  • Silver Pig Statue
  • Talic box 99 шт
  • Jewelry Citadel (chance - 1%)
  • T5 envelope (event)
  • T6 envelope (event)
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
Lucky cube (event)​
Ellipse 41.png
  • Gold Pig Statue
  • Mamba the letters
  • Mamba-point
  • T5 envelope (event)
  • T6 envelope (event)
  • Box Aegis(3 grade) (chance 2%)
  • A box of random talic
Huge Beacon PvP-Dungeons​
Ellipse 56.png
  • The benefit of Animuses\New Siege Installation
  • Box Gli
  • Box Beam
  • Box Rain
Elan stocker(Alliance)\Beast of mountain stocker(Alliance)
Cartela BioLab(Accretia)\Sette Deser(Accretia)
Ellipse 55.png
  • Star Pass Experience Capsules
  • Leon's LV60 weapon
  • Leon's LV55 weapon
  • P.A.L.M.A.S. Level 55 armor
  • P.A.L.M.A.S. Level 60 armor
  • Herodian chip
  • Shining Halostone Piece
  • Transparent Halostone Piece
  • Sealed Dagon\Flame Draco - Jewelry DDD
  • Level 55 Reward Box

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Power of your vote

Here we learn what are the conditions of the voting system.

The new “vote power” system is installed. The vote power depends on character level, status points amount and PvP points.

Common formula : [character level points] + [status points points] + [Fixed PvP points]
Status points formula : [Status points amount / 4000 x 1.5]
Fixed PvP points formula : [Fixed PvP points / 2000 x 0.5]

Maximum vote power is 700
40 - 1
41 - 1.5
42 - 1.7
43 - 2
44 - 2.5
45 - 2.7
46 - 3
47 - 4
48 - 5
49 - 10
50 - 15
51 - 25
52 - 35
53 - 50
54 - 65
55 - 85
56 - 120
57 - 145
58 - 165
59 - 185
60 - 210
61 - 230
62 - 255
63 - 275
64 - 285
65 - 290
66 - 330
67 - 350
68 - 370
69 - 390
70 - 420
Your character is LV55, having 115k status points and 195k fixed PvP. Your voting power will be:
(85 + (115k / 4000 x 1.5) + (195k / 2000 x 0,5) = 85+ 43,12 (rounding up to 43) + 48,75 (rounding up to 49) = 85+43+48=176

Voting blank

This item is necessary for voting, looks like this:


Can be bought from Race Manager, costing 4 000 PvP (taxes not included)

Conditions for candidate registration
  1. Being LV58+
  2. Having 45 000 status points
Registration fee is 100kk and 305 of your status points

For automatical registration for current race leader must be:
- Be in top 100 in your race until 04:00am Tuesday when refresh the list of top-rank, if race leader dont be there at pointed moment, current race leader dont be automaticully registrated as candidate and must handly register his character

Conditions for voter
  1. Being LV60+
  2. Having 75 000 status points
Voting fee is 80kk and 20% status points

You can check the voting table during the whole voting period.
Withdrawing doesn’t take any fee.

Race leader and chip holder bonuses

Race leader​
Attack team​
Defense team​
Support team​
Chip holder​

The reward for winning CW is 5 000 and 50 000 race currency

Buff/ Debuff​
1 level​
2 level3 level
Рисунок3 (1).png

The energy of victory​
+2% atk
+1% vamp​
+6% atk
+2% vamp​
+10% atk
+3% vamp​

The Hero's Cry​
+4% atk/def
+2% vamp​
+8% atk/def
+3% vamp​
+12% atk/def
+4% vamp​
Рисунок4 (1).png

The stigma​
-3% atk/def​
-5% atk/def​
-7% atk/def​

The scar of defeat​
-2% def​
-5% def​
-8% def​

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Dungeon nameCommon information

15-20 Dungeon​
  • x4 PT potion, exp potions

21-25 Dungeon​
  • Master’s box, T3 envelopes, exp potions

26-30 Dungeon​
  • LV30 type-C weapon, exp potions

31-35 Dungeon​
  • LV35 type-C weapon, exp potions

31-35 Dungeon​
  • LV40 type-C weapon, exp potions

41-45 Dungeon​
  • LV45 type-C weapon, exp potions

46-55 Dungeon​
  • Random talic box, leon instruction, exp potions

Small Citadel​
  • LV50(45) type-C weapon, P.A.L.M.A.S jewelry, keen talic, favor talic

Big Citadel​
  • Aegis jewelry box, HDH jewelry box, LV55 type-C weapon, keen talic, favor talic

  • Random talic box, ore processing resources

Party Dungeon 42+​
  • Battle exp

Party Dungeon 46+​
  • Battle exp

Party Dungeon 53+​
  • Battle exp

Party Dungeon 58+​
  • Battle exp

Dungeon 46-60​
  • Season Pass EXP, Mamba-point

PvP-dungeon (Event)
Location DungeonTeleport point​
2024-01-18_23-00-25 1.png

  • To get into the Dungeon, you will need an Entry Spell for the PvP Dungeon
  • The entry spell for the PvP Dungeon can be obtained by knocking it out from the Beta Patrol Robot on Eter from 00.00 to 00.30 WIB every day
2024-01-18_23-45-55 1.png

  • You can get to the dungeon only with the help of a teleport from the General Staff
2024-01-18_23-09-45 1.png

  • The dungeon is available starting from level 50
  • The duration of the item is 30 minutes
  • There is a Peaceful zone in the dungeon at the teleport site
  • At 00.15 WIB, Pillars with valuable loot appear
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After reaching LV55 every character in the game can take a new quest from the race hero NPC. The quest has 72h cooldown and contains a chain of 24 quests. After completing the last quest of the chain, a player receives an item, which defines his faction for next 72 hours of real time. There are 3 different factions: Resource, battle and production.


Passing through the quest chain, the player receives useful rewards.

Additionally a player receives some race currency: 500.000 for the first quest and +200.000 for every next one.

Followers of each faction gain 3 personal advantages according to the choice:

  1. Boosting character stats
  2. Receiving reward box every 1h spent in game
  3. Faction aura above the character


How the factions work:​

A character in the game receives a box of resources in the inventory every hour at 00 minutes, according to the selected faction. The box contains a random reward from the ones below.

Resource faction​
Battle faction​
Production faction​
Green aura color​
Red aura color​
Blue aura color​
item drop rate +20%*​
attack +10%*​
defense +15%*​
  • Ore +3
  • Rare ore
  • Key of small might
  • Random talic box
  • Random holastone box
  • Sparkling golden box
  • Red stones
  • Resources for crafting equipment
  • Resources for crafting P.A.L.M.A.S. armor
  • Crystal talic
  • 55% atk/def potions
  • accuracy/dodge potions
  • Critical potions
  • Fried potatoes
  • TP to character scrolls
  • Revival potion
  • All Elan PB TPs
  • Destruction rune / Convert rune
  • Hissy potion
  • Neutralizing potion
  • Quickskill charger
  • Movement speed potion
  • Cure charger
  • Chaos charger (30 min)
  • Race debuff remove potion
Most potions are named [Event] and can not be traded
  • P.A.L.M.A.S. armor resources box
  • Leon box
  • Type C armor/shield option box
  • leviator boosters
  • socket extenders(weapon type-C / Leon)
  • socket extenders(armor type-C / SP / P.A.L.M.A.S.)
  • socket extenders(shield type-C 55- / 55+)
  • socket extenders (boosters)
  • Closed box of Might
  • Leon instruction
  • Warehouse expansion capsule
  • Master’s server gifts
  • Increase drop rate training potion
  • Armor and weapon type-C option changing
  • Option changer box
  • Key of small might

* Self bonus works regardless any other effects
Be careful! To receive faction reward your character must be logged in the game.
Faction auras can’t be stacked, traded or put into bank, they are strictly bound to your character. Faction boxes are non-tradable, the effect works only from one faction.

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Closed b
2024-01-11_17-28-28 1.png
ox of might
- can be dropped out of any mob with low chance. The box can be opened only with a special key to receive a certain reward.

You will need 1 of 3 existing keys, which opens an appropriate reward box.
COMBINATION: 1 Key - 1 Box
It is possible to combine up to 99 bundles [key+box] at once.

Key of small Might​
Key of expert Might​
Key of elite Might​
Key of the magister might​
At race manager,
for race currency​
For mamba-points,
can be dropped out of mobs​
In CashShop for
5.406 CS​
Obtaining by combining the three keys of power​

Possible rewards​

Small box of Might​
Expert box of Might​
Elite box of Might​
Magister box of Might​
— boss TPs Ether / Dragon / BloodAxe / Taraven
— Artifact of Might (the rarest)
— Keys of Expert Might
— Keys of Elite Might
— Art. Ignorance of Might Shard
— Art. Favor of Might Shard
— Certificate of Might Shard
— Herodian chip
— Quick Revival Potion
— Potion 40% Attack
— Potion 40% Defense
— Mamba Points
— Box random T envelopes
— Crystal Talics
— Transparent Halostone
— Shining Halostone
— Linguistic Halostone Piece
— Leon instruction
— Cure charger 1.5 sec
— Red / Blue stones
— Production faction box
— Resourse faction box
— Battle faction box
— Shard of Aegis
— Elemental Ring/Necklace [2]
— Closed magistr box of Might
— Closed box of Might
— Leviator booster box
— Type-C leviator option box
— Aegid blessing
— Fossil Box
— EXP Battle Pass
— Artifact of Might (the rarest)
— Keys of Elite Might
— Weapon Type-C option change coupon
— Armor Type-C option change coupon
— Dodge potion
— Critical potion
— Double Potion Buff
— Art. Ignorance of Might Shard
— Art. Favor of Might Shard
— Certificate of Might Shard
— Cure charger 1.5 sec
— T5 envelopes
— Leon instruction
— Socket extenders type-C Weapon
— Socket extenders type-C Armor
— Socket extenders type-C Shield
— Socket extenders P.A.L.M.A.S. armor
— Herodian chip
— Crystal Talics
— Transparent Halostone
— Shining Halostone
— Linguistic Halostone Piece
— Red / Blue stones
— Production faction box
— Resourse faction box
— Battle faction box
— Shard of Aegis
— Elemental Ring/Necklace [2]
— Closed magistr box of Might
— Closed box of Might
— Leviator booster box
— Type-C leviator option box
— Aegid blessing
— Fossil Box
— EXP Battle Pass
— Green Aura (the rarest)
— Elan boss TPs
— Artifact of Might (the rarest)
— Keys of Elite Might
— Keys of Expert Might
— Keys of Small Might
— Double Potion Buff
— Art. Ignorance of Might Shard
— Art. Favor of Might Shard
— Certificate of Might Shard
— Teleport Potion
— Summon Potion
— Quick Revival Potion
— T5 envelopes
— T6 envelopes
— Random Might Box
— Modify Herodian Chip
— Crystal Talics
— Transparent Halostone
— Shining Halostone
— Linguistic Halostone Piece
— P.A.L.M.A.S. +1 Socket Extender
— Weapon Socket Extender
— Mamba Points
— Roast sweet potato
— Hot Chocolate
— Hora DarkHalls TreasureBox
— Hora DarkHalls OldBox
— Shard of Aegis
— Aegid blessing
— Box with the ancient jewerly
— Closed magistr box of Might
— Fossil Box
— EXP Battle Pass
— Blue Mamba Aura (the rarest)
— Sword of Gatsby (the rarest)
— Random Type-C leviator ability
— Artifact Ignorance of Might
— Artifact Mercy of Might
— Artifact Wisdom of Might
— Artifact Grace of Might
— Artifact Darkness of Might
— Artifact Favor of Might
— Boxes of the Elite Might
— Boxes of the Expert Might
— Hora DarkHalls TreasureBox
— Random Might Box
— infinite Potion 12h Attack
— infinite Potion 12h Defense
— infinite Potion 12h Accyracy
— infinite Potion 12h Critical
— infinite Potion 12h Max HP
— infinite Potion 12h Skill Attack Delay
— infinite Potion 12h Avoidence
— Certificate of Might
— EXP Battle Pass

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Module of dropping items from killed players​

What is Full Drop?​

It's a game protection module, which is responsible for dropping items out of the player's inventory after his death. You can literally lose items when you die.

It doesn’t work when character is killed by mobs

Fallout Risks:​

Chances of losing items: 18%
Amount of items lost : from 1 to 5

The difference between the killer's character level and the victim’s plays a big role. In the situation, when you kill a player higher level than you, the chances are higher. And if you kill a low level player, chances are low.

There’s also a special item, which protects you from Full Drop - it is a part of active

Protection from Full Drop:​

This item fully protects you from losing items after death. If your account has premium, don’t worry, your items are safe and the protection will work the whole period of your premium status.

Listed items can’t be dropped after the character’s death under no circumstances:
- Armor, weapon, jewelry, boosters (including premium booster)
- CashShop potions, generators, ammo
- Animus, Siege kits, MAU keys, Turrets (the ones which are set atm)
- Premium status capsules, pagers
- HQ and home locations TPs
- Items listed to the Auction house
- All races HQ
- Mirror HQs
- Crag Mine Fields
- All types of dungeons
Q: How does the amount of loot dropped counts?
A: There’s a big list of items, which have 18% that having this item in your inventory it will drop after character death. The ratio is random and is from 1 to 5 slots.

Q: What if I have 5 stacks of Gli and 23 more?
A: The drop is working with your inventory slots. It doesn’t matter if you have 1 Gli, 23 or 99, you lose the slot.

Q: Who can loot items dropped out of my inventory?
A: Loot dropped out of character’s inventory doesn’t have any race, group or personal binding. There's also no delay, any player can take it immediately.

Q: What about items, which are non-tradable.
A: Can also be dropped out the same as other items and can be easily picked by someone.

Q: If we go to a dungeon, does it work?
A: If you are not killed by another player, death from mobs doesn’t trigger this module.

Q: Is there any character level limit?
A: No, there is no limit. Any player can be killed and can drop some items. Howether the chances of dropping depend on the difference in character level. The chances difference varies from 0,5% to 10% for 1 level diff. (So from 18% the highest chance is 28%, the lowest is 8%)

Q: And what if my character was killed by my race using chaos pot or wanted?
A: It doesn’t matter how you were killed. Player died to a player, so with the 18% chance he can lose his items.

Q: Can I drop landmines?
A: Sure, if they are not already set and lie in your inventory, they can be dropped.

Q: What about turrets?
A: Same as landmines, if your turret is already set, you can’t drop it. Otherwise, it can be dropped.

Q: What if I died in MAU?
A: Works the same as for any other situation.

Q: Can my gold or race currency be dropped?
A: No, all types of currency can’t be dropped. It can only drop slots from your inventory, including the ones you are wearing. But we refused to put character equipment in full drop. Maybe in the future we will change this.

Q: What if I died in the peace zone?
A: Still you can lose your item. For example, you got damage out of the peace zone but died inside of it.

Q: What if my item is listed at Auction?
A: Items listed on Auction can’t be dropped out after characters death.

Q: Does the race binding of my items change?
A: Physically your item can pick up members of any race, but the race of your item does not change. For example you’ve lost Bellato 3000 HP potions and an Accretian player picked it up. It will still be a Bellato 3000 HP potion.

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Common information​

Recycling T3 into T4​
  • Переработка т3.png

Resources packaging​
  • производство енг.png

Resources disjointing​
  • Комба.png
  • схема нубо лута.png
  • схема обычного лута.png

Equipment crafting​
  • Types of weapon:
    Weapon Type-B0,001%7,60%27,78%27,80%57,88%75,93%90,40%
    Weapon Type-C99,99%92,40%72,20%61,36%21,00%12,00%9,60%
    Leon weapon--0,20%0,16%0,12%0,01%-
    Chances of crafting shields*:
    *Starting with LV50 shields type-C/SP are crafted without lowering its level
    Types of shields:LV39LV41LV43LV45LV47LV50LV55LV60
    Shield Type-B38,80%44,80%51,80%54,40%58,00%69,12%83,75%90,40%
    Shield Type-C61,20%55,20%49,20%45,60%42,00%30,88%16,25%9,60%
    Chances of crafting armor:
    Types of armor:LV39LV41LV43LV45LV47LV50LV53LV55LV60
    Armor type-B0,001%10,00%25,00%35,00%55,00%64,75%80,00%89,90%94,00%
    Armor type-C99,99%90,00%75,00%65,00%45,00%17,5%10,00%5,00%6,00%
    P.A.L.M.A.S. armor-----0,20%-0,10%-

ChipWar] Ressurection Word​
  • крафт возрождения.png

  • ExcelSiar Piece 10 pieces, Silver catalyst - 5, Gold catalyst - 2
  • ExcelSiar Piece 15 pieces, Silver catalyst - 12, Gold catalyst - 5
  • ExcelSiar Piece 30 pieces, Silver catalyst - 20, Gold catalyst - 10
  • ExcelSiar Piece 90 pieces, Silver catalyst - 60, Gold catalyst - 30
  • Can be packed in boxes

Crystal Talic​
  • It is obtained by exchanging 20 of any talika for 1 crystal talika.
  • In the drop from Pit Bosses
  • +0 ->+1 = 10 кт
    +1 -> +2 = 15 Crystal Talic
    +2 -> +3 = 25 Crystal Talic
    +3 and higher = 50 Crystal Talic
  • To sharpen the armor on grace, favor, wisdom, darkness, part of the armor must be sharpened at least by +1 to the desired waist, there should be 7 holes in the armor.

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баннер горизонтальный 1.png

Introductory information
  • It starts every Sunday at 20.30, ends at 22.00 WIB GMT +7
  • Venue - Event location
  • You can get to the location using a Teleport
  • Teleport can be knocked out from 20.30 to 22.00 WIB GMT +7 from Mutants in Cartela BioLab

The main part
  • Monster locations - WingBox
2024-01-29_15-22-17 1.png

  • The monster appears in waves, 10 waves in total
  • The first wave at 21.00, the last at 21.45 WIB GMT +7
  • Loot from the monster:
2024-02-01_12-50-35 1.png

Box Ore +3 (all colors)
PvP-capsule +100 points
Gold bar
The capsule mamba-point
Closed box of might

  • During the event, an additional recurring task will also be available for players, the purpose of which is to kill 10 wingboxes. The quest can be taken from the NPC "Merchant of Caravan" in Cartela BioLab from level 50, after completing it - the task will immediately be available for re-execution without having to take the quest from the NPC again.
  • The task and its reward:
2024-02-05_13-40-36 1.png

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image 79.png
The Battle Pass contains valuable resources and the ability to use the new endless dope game module as a reward for leveling up your PSU. This is a new additional content available to each player.

The Combat Pass icon is located in the upper left corner. Clicking on it will open the main window with the Battle Pass rewards

2024-01-26_14-18-00 1.png

There are 2 lines of Battle Pass awards:
  • Silver
The top reward line is available to all players for free upon reaching the specified level. It includes valuable resources, doping, endless doping and other goodies.
  • Golden
Access to the opening of the bottom line of rewards. It costs 340.000 Cash and thus makes it available to all players of the server, through interaction with the game auction for Cash. You can purchase it by clicking on the golden pass icon.

Your current level is displayed in the Combat pass window. The numbers at the top indicate the required level to receive the specified reward, the ranges of numbers at the bottom indicate the number of similar reward pages and the total number of Battle Pass levels


Key Awards:
New generator Might, can be upgraded to level 420:
2024-02-10_22-53-05 1.png

New generator Lucky Cartela's Jade:
2024-02-10_22-55-03 1.png

Endless banks:
img_808 1.png
img_832 1.png
img_852 1.png

The endless jar must be pumped to get maximum efficiency. The improvement starts with the smallest cans in terms of volume.
  • HP: 100 > 250 > 500 > 1000 > 2000 > 3000 > 4000 > 5000
  • FP: 50 > 125 > 250 > 500 > 1000 > 1500 > 2000 > 2500
  • SP: 100 > 200 > 800
Pumping is carried out with the help of Improvement Stones, they are mined only as part of a Combat Pass.

Simply combine the jar with the desired component in color and the properties are improved, and so on up to the maximum.
Please note that improving cans costs racial currency, where for:
  • HP improvement - 50кк at one time
  • FP improvement- 35кк at one time
  • SP improvement- 20кк at one time
Способы прокачки:
  1. Creation Box of Might -
  2. Reward for RNA quests -
    задание рнк.png
  3. Drop from all the monsters in the game (naminal capsules 5\10)
  4. Reward for passing The Hunter Games
  5. Reward for completing Level Quests
  6. The reward for winning the PM -
    2024-01-26_20-37-26 1.png

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